Even Plants Need Insurance

protect plants from weather damageWith the cost of plants rising each year, you need more than just a green thumb to ensure you don’t lose your investment. A cold snap or late frost could send you back to the nursery to replace your plants. Get a little insurance with Frost Protek™ plant covers and get the most out of your gardening dollars.

Plants can be prematurely killed or damaged by frost. Annual plants and native warm climate plants are especially vulnerable to damage, while perennial plants are more tolerant.

Container plantings and hanging baskets are particularly susceptible to frost damage because the roots are above ground and therefore don't have the added warmth that the ground holds.

Don’t lose your important investment in your garden and patio. Frost Protek™ Plant Covers protect plants from frost and other damaging weather conditions during the growing season. They’re made of the same fabric used by commercial growers for plant protection.

Use the covers during cold spells in the early season and you’ll be enjoying your plants rather than replacing them.